About us
We believe that beauty is an individual’s personal love story of how they see or hope to see themselves, without a formal beauty standard presented by the media.
As a brand, we (Eunica) do not only care about how your skin looks, we also care about your skin’s journey and how our products define your day to day experience and what stories it tells about you.
“Eunica is YOU”. This is who we are, every customer is Eunica.
Eunica is the next door neighbour who uses our lotion, hair cream or even the basic poop spray. The experience of that neighbor tells the true Eunica story.
Your story, your experiences, your skin’s journey as unique as it feels is what builds the brand.
Our Vision
To remain the number one skin friendly brand in West Africa.
To remain consistent in offering products that are truly necessary for skin usage.
To remain the number one/largest skin disorder eradication based brand.
A true companion to the African skin.Our Goal
Our research has shown that 46% of Africans living in Africa are battling with accepting the beauty of their skin.
Our goal therefore remains to completely eliminate this narrative.